Northwest News

Tiny Homes making a dent in Seattle’s huge homeless crisis
- March 23, 2025 7:00 am|

Dems in Disarray
- March 21, 2025 3:08 pm|
The most important local news and events of the day
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Ride the Blue Grouse Gondola, North Vancouver, B.C.
The journey to the “Top of Vancouver, Canada,” otherwise known as Grouse Mountain, has changed dramatically since the first documented climbers in 1894 shot a blue grouse and named the mountain in its honor.
Storm Watching on Oregon’s Adventure Coast
During strong Pacific storms, the National Weather Service cautions mariners to remain in port, seek safe harbor, avoid strong winds and steep seas, and secure the vessel for severe conditions. Yet hazardous-sea warnings and high-surf conditions are

Lawful Goods: Eastside Legal Assistance Program Leaders Reflect on 35 Years of Impact
The Bellevue-based organization recently celebrated its 35th anniversary. Two of its leaders look back.

Sarah Langton and Keri Pravitz Are Each Other's Biggest Cheerleaders
“You’ll see a through line throughout.” That’s what Keri Pravitz, 53, would say if someone held her résumé up alongside that of her mentor for the last 30 years, Sarah Langton, 62. Get to know them as

The Grange's Sarah Cassidy Considers Herself a Farmer First
The co-owner of Hearth Farm and The Grange on collaborating with local farms, her favorite local farm-to-table haunts, and the food she can’t live without.