Prices are up, and you need to be smart about this year’s back-to-school purchases. Here are some tips from the shopping experts at Consumer Reports:
Before you do anything, have a plan. Set a budget, then figure out how you can make it work. This should help you avoid impulse purchases.
Check around the house, to make sure you don’t already have some of what the kids will need before you head to the store. You may have school supplies in a closet or drawer that you forgot about.
Compare prices. A little time online can help you find the deals. Many big-name retailers, such as Target, Walmart and Best Buy will match competitors’ prices, so you may be able to get a better price without leaving the store.
Don’t feel pressured to get everything on the list before the first day of school. Find out what’s needed right away, and buy the rest when it goes on sale later in the year
If the kids need new technology that’s a budget buster, consider buying refurbished electronics. Look for a certified used model from a reputable retailer or the manufacturer. These pre-owned electronics are as good as new, and typically come with a warranty. Just be sure to check on that.
More Info: How to Save on Back-to-School Shopping