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School year stretches into summer for Seattle kids

Photo courtesy of Pixabay user Wokandapix

(SEATTLE) A handful of school districts around the state began classes late this year because of striking teachers.

And now, we know how the largest of those districts will make-up those missed days.

Negotiations between Seattle school district officials and teachers’ union leaders lasted five days into the new school year. Those were five days everyone knew would have to be made-up somehow.

Part of the plan has been released, and Thursday, February 2nd is make-up day number one. Its unclear if that was previous teacher training of conference day prior to last week. Then, June 27-30 will be added to the school year, meaning kids in grades through 11 go to school right up to the July 4th holiday weekend.

Unless there’s a lot of snow this winter. If there is, snow make up days are now July 3, 5, and 6.

What about high school graduation? Those dates are expected to be revised and announced later this week.

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