(WASHINGTON) — A Tennessee Air National Guardsman was charged with applying to be a hit man, according to the Justice Department.
While the country was focused on another Air National Guardsman from a different state on Thursday, prosecutors charged Josiah Ernesto Garcia, 21, with the use of interstate facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire.
The Justice Department said he applied on a spoof site rentahitman.com with a resume that described himself as an “expert marksman” and prior military service.
“The resume also indicated GARCIA was a ‘Marksman Expert, awarded for not missing a single bullseye on all of the targets for shooting expert with 2 (or more) weapons.’ The resume indicated GARCIA was nicknamed ‘Reaper,’ which was “Earned from Military experience and Marksmanship,'” court documents said.
In a follow up email to the purported owner of the hit man service, he allegedly said he wanted to support his child and that he would love the work.
“Im looking for a job, that pays well, related to my military experience (Shooting and Killing the marked target) so I can support my kid on the way,” he allegedly wrote, according to court documents. “What can I say, I enjoy doing what I do, so if I can find a job that is similar to it, (such as this one) put me in coach!” I believe that GARCIA was stating his skillset matched the needs of a company that hires employees to commit murder.”
He also allegedly told an undercover agent that he preferred shooting people from a distance rather than in close proximity.
He was arrested after that undercover agent gave him money to carry out a purported hit.
He told agents in an interview after he was arrested, he was looking for jobs because his family couldn’t afford rent.
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